Tuesday, March 31, 2009

California Family Life Center

Guess what folks?! California Family Life Center's Youth Art program is donating there time to paint a mural on our hallway and entrance walls!

What I know so far is that there's going to be a famous boxer on the entrance to the boxing gym and that he's going to turn into the American flag on the far wall to the hallway. It sounds great! I'll keep you posted.

A little about California Family Life Center...

This is a great LOCAL non-profit that you should really take a look at.


California Family Life Center-MISSION STATEMENT

"To provide safety, comfort and healing to children suffering abuse and abandonment; to teach love and trust; to instill self-esteem, values and hope for the future - and in so doing, assist children trapped in hopelessness and despair become compassionate and contributing members of the community.

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